Fifty ?!?

It honestly feels like I just wrote this post about turning forty, and now it seems I have turned 50. Side note: I wonder who decided to use the phrase "turned" when describing the changing of one's age. It sounds like something that has gone off, as in "I'm afraid this milk has turned, and... Continue Reading →

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

In Reykjavik, Iceland, earlier this year. Older, definitely wiser! This little blog of mine has been on my mind lately. A lot. I would imagine it feels like an abandoned dog, left out in the rain to fend for itself. But it wasn't really abandoned was it? Outgrown is probably a more accurate statement, but... Continue Reading →


I have been thinking of you so much lately Kev. The thought of "the anniversary of your death" rolling around in a few weeks fills me with absolute dread. Its a funny thing: I usually balk at people taking it upon themselves to commemorate awful occurrences; constantly bringing up all the old hurt and feelings... Continue Reading →

I need to write

A friend pointed out to me the other day that I haven’t blogged in a while, and yes, it’s been close to two years. There is no excuse really, other than life getting in the way and a lack of real inspiration. And just like that, almost two years zoom by, and even WordPress has... Continue Reading →


A long overdue post … They say that in the newborn phase, the first six weeks or so fly past while you merrily wallow in the punch-drunk baby love haze.  That is also clearly true when one turns five! Happy 5th (and six weeks) birthday Carrie-bear! Baby girl, Now you are five! A full hand, a... Continue Reading →


My big boy! I will admit to having a little cry on the way to work after I dropped you at school this morning, my mind still boggling at how my baby boy is already seven! Still euphoric after a great party, you were excitedly greeted by the friends that joined us yesterday to celebrate.... Continue Reading →

The three day headache

I have had a nasty headache for the past three days. Probably has something to do with the fact that I was involved in an armed robbery at my home on Tuesday. Even as I type those words, it still doesn't seem real. It's a headache unlike any other headache that I've ever had. It's... Continue Reading →


My little girl who loves to laugh, how on earth did you actually just turn four? I blinked my eyes and the bump in my tummy has turned into a big girl, seemingly overnight! {the morning you were born} You complete our family with your belly laughs and your deep-voice singing, with your conversations (with yourself)... Continue Reading →

Growing up…

There is a scene near the end of Mary Poppins that always causes a lump in my throat. I have seen the movie many, many times, both as a child, and recently with my own children. In the scene, Mary is having a conversation with the children while she readies them to go and fly kites... Continue Reading →

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