So this is 40

A few weeks ago, we watched a movie called This is 40. It's probably the funniest movie I have seen in a long time. Probably because of its appropriateness in terms of my turning 40 a few days afterwards. Whilst the movie is probably not everyone's cup of tea (there is quite a lot of swearing... Continue Reading →

Pearly whites

Alex was an early teether. At just over four months, the first two little pearly whites made their way through the gums causing much excitement amongst proud parents and grand-parents. (and then they came in two-by-two in rapid succession therafter!)   About a month ago, one of those little babies started getting wobbly. I remember hearing... Continue Reading →

I speak for the trees!

The Lorax quickly became one of Alex's favourite movies, and I can't say I blame him, that little orange guy is super cute, and the music in the movie is great. I also love the overall message that the movie conveys about conservation and the repercussions of not looking after our planet. Another plus is... Continue Reading →

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