A tale of two haircuts

Alex has always sported longer-than-average-for-a-boy hair, and has only ever had home haircuts from yours truly. The first time I took Alex into a hair salon to have his hair cut (by a professional), I came out feeling ripped off and disappointed. I took him to my usual hair stylist, who "dry cut" about 2mm off... Continue Reading →

Are we feeding our kids crap?

I received this link : (http://www.charlespoliquin.com/Lifestyle/StayHealthy/190/Protecting_Your_Child_Against_Processed_Food.aspx) from my husband the other day (and see a copy of the article below), and it really made me think about the food I am giving my children. From when Alex was first weened on to solids, I always cooked my own baby food, and made sure that he... Continue Reading →

Sensational Sting

Having always had a preference for brains over brawn in potential suitors, one of my favourite set of lines from "Seven Days" by Sting is : "Does it bother me at all My rival is Neanderthal it makes me think Perhaps I need a drink IQ is no problem here We won't be playing Scrabble... Continue Reading →

Lazy Summer Days

We just got back from a short 5 day break at the coast. March, in my opinion, is one of the best times to go to KZN. The weather is still warm enough to swim and go to the beach, and the evenings are still warm enough to sit outside, but cool enough to sleep... Continue Reading →

Attention: this blog has not been abandoned!

Hi. My name is Denita, and I have not blogged in 3 weeks. (Not counting my Friday Photo 2 weeks ago). I was fortunate to attend Tanya and Saul's technical blogging workshop this week, and was reminded of one of the golden rules of blogging ... "blog consistently and often" hmm. #fail! Anyway. The workshop was... Continue Reading →

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